Saddlebags are the bags that are attached to saddles. They’re designed to hold everything from sponges to sandwiches, and to fit on just about every part of the saddle. A must have for everyone who wants to be ready to hit the trail. Most of the saddle bags can be made from various materials, although leather was the traditional material it is heavier and requires more maintenance than many modern versions. Smaller ones are typically used to hold a few items such as tools, waterproofs, food, first-aid kit etc. We need to choose the closures for secure fit that doesn't slide and distribute the weight safely.
Saddlebags or panniers mount on either side of the rear of the motorcycle roughly beside (but not interfering with) the pillion passenger. "Hard" panniers commonly come in an injection moulded plastic such as ABS, and "soft" panniers come in some form of textile (e.g. Cordura) or leather. Saddle bags are nearly always attachable and often lockable, both of their mountings and their closure. Side-loading saddle bags are especially suitable for carefully packed clothing and taking into hotel rooms (like a suitcase), while top-loading hard saddle bags are preferred by other users. Utility top-loading soft saddle bags often come in a "throw-over" form without mountings or fixings, perhaps safely held in place under the rider or pillion - or simply loose.
Modern touring motorcycles often have panniers fitted as standard or they may be available as options on particular models. But most panniers come from local workshop industries which are not formally linked to the manufacturers of the motorcycle. The fixings of such panniers will be model specific, but the lucky rider may have a choice as to the actual case carried. Amongst many popular bikes and styles, Honda and Harley Davidson have branded and paved there way into the cruiser market. Saddlebags come in different shapes and sizes and are used as luggage or a container to carry around items. It is also a style or status symbol within the biker community, picking leather saddlebags.
Leather saddle bags are made from an unique double-layer leather construction. A top layer of choice top grain leather is permanently bonded to a lower layer of tough silicon-rubber treated leather. This results in a leather composite with a thickness exceeding 1/8 of an inch, equivalent to a superior strength 10 to 12 oz leather .
Since the inner silicon-rubber treated leather has an increased wear-life versus other leather, the products maintain their durability and strength longer than products with equivalent leather thickness. This allows the products to maintain their overall shape, whether empty or fully loaded, for many, many riding seasons. Unlike some other saddlebags, which will completely lose their form, these bags will retain their general shape and continuity and not turn into 'play doh' bags after a year or two.
YKK nylon zippers, stainless steel buckles and rivets, and is nylon stitched and riveted to a custom vacuum formed high-density polyethylene backing.
The bags also include an ABS plastic lining, that’s why our bags hold their shape so well. This makes our motorcycle saddlebags stronger, lighter and extremely resilient
A double-layered reinforced leather handle is riveted to back of the saddlebags. Included with the saddlebags is a 2” wide adjustable strap for carrying bags over the shoulder.
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